Friday, October 7, 2011

A visit to the Dentist

One morning I felt a little stone felt out from my lower front tooth. Freak out, thinking that my tooth might have a big hole, so i went to visit the dentist.
She told me that I just need to wash my teeth and everything will be alright. I can't remember what the term's just something that form outside your teeth and dentist recommend you to visit them once a year to clear it away. Whether to earn yearly income or for your own good, you decide.
But that's not the big bummer.....the news i hate most is to hear "you have a cavity in your wisdom tooth, you might as well just remove it since it's no use to you"
DAMN IT~~~ i have a very bad experience from the past.
But this time, doctor ensure me there's no need for yeah....i've make appointment to take out my second wisdom.....
*finger cross*

*Have you visited your dentist?*

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