Sunday, October 6, 2013


A Wat is a monastery temple in Thailand

I forgot the name but it's a small Wat. Not worth the price to come here.

Unless you are a photographer........The building details are breath taking.

Monk who live here.

The statue

Believer donate an amount of money and a packet of golden sheet will be given to paste on the statue.

Due to my colorblind.....I didn't notice the fish up until my mom shouted "WOW........SO MANY FISH~~~"

I was like......where? I can't see them

Until we feed them with THB1 of fish food. WOW........look at the quantity of the fish there. I bet there are at least a thousand of it in there.

People feed the fish but my mom feed the pigeon instead.

And I found this cutie under the chair.....the owner pull it out just to let me take a picture with it.
And the dog don't even bother to wake up no matter how we disturb it.

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