Age......24 and 25 people here.......
Thanks to David Low for the pictures.......
It's been a long long time for all of us to sit down and chit chat........
I guess something just never change.......
Some still stay quiet as usual, some quarrel as usual......some stare at each other as usual.
But in the's nice to gather once a while. To update and to know how's everyone doing
I guess the one who change a lot is ah Lai......
Coz she has become sexy and wild......according to David
I just cant stand ppl camwhoring and didn't include me inside......ish!!!!!!
I guess we known each other since form 1.......and to think we're in our mid 20's already.
Even the guys, one of them get engaged, some have started working, some...not some, is one, in his final year in Uni.....good luck......
And i still look as cute as always...........muahahahaha
p/s: those who can't make it back to Miri....nvm..there still next year to come. We shall meet again!!! hugs and kisses.......take care.....
last photo is amazingly pretty dear! i hope when we go back, we'll take some wild photos together LOL although i know it wasnt u who took the photo (doh!) LOL
happy chinese new year to you! :D
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