Saturday, November 27, 2010

Miniature Part 2

Second week....I choose to make the Piano Room.

making the hat is not easy...i can't seem to find my compass (圆规) so I have to draw it with my 6

tada...not perfect but that will do.....

next stop, the piano set......

guess what i'm sticking? the piano black key....unbelievable...why can't they just give ready took me a while to stick it in.

there....the piano is done....look nice?

it so cute that i just love it so much

one set of black colour miniature piano

the cupboard

see... sticky job it is

and the hardest part is making the miniature books.....

it took me a while to figure it out what the instruction was talking about.....

from this to....

this....CUTE OR NOT!!!!!!???????????

maybe some of u might say "u r just too free"

hahaha....maybe i am......

even the picture frame have to stick one by one.......

the lamp, the flower.......

the chair.....

finally the result

I heart the busket......

view 1

view 2..........end of piano room

-to be continue-

1 comment:

Esther G said...

your latest obsession :D