If you guys got read the newspaper...the book store go on mogok-ing. I went to Popular, and there was no FREAKING Harry Potter in it!! I rush there after work, so tiring. T.T i go home, empty handed and sad... really really dissapointed.
Than my lovely lovely daddy said...how about the book store up at the Toy World?Belle's? Than only i remember...yaho~~ "BA BA~~~ @@"
HAHAHA...than my dad can't stand the pity look from me, and fetch me over there, and one swipe of his credit card!!! RM109.90 gone....
OMG~~~ my adrenaline is pumping~ my heart is pumping, my hand is trembling!!!!!!!!!!
Call me mad, call me stupid~~
Na~~~the first page and the last two page ar!!! let u read la...see, i so good.
p/s: i think they will reduce the price to RM69.90 (T.T)... but i not sure yet. Anyway i think it's an insult from the hypermarket to the author. ish! no repect at all. ^^
^^Y where you work o? chat with me over gtalk when u r free ar~
it computer. boulevard. ^^ k k. keep in touch.
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