Friday, March 20, 2009

Conversation part 2

Ame showing me a set of ULTIMATE PRO 120 Color Eyeshadow Palette eye shadow MAKEUP eye!!!

☆ Ame ☆ says:|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A50
spicejem says:
spicejem says:
spicejem says:
spicejem says:
cheap for US
☆ Ame ☆ says:
yeah.. so tempting WTF
spicejem says:
spicejem says:
spicejem says:
u dont get to use it everyday
spicejem says:

spicejem says:
damn so sleepy
spicejem says:
if it wasn't for american idol
spicejem says:
i sure sleep already
☆ Ame ☆ says:
☆ Ame ☆ says:
i rather watch porn wtf
☆ Ame ☆ says:
at this time ah... ppl in oth countries are watching r-rated movies showing on their local tv
(sudn't have paste this~~ ops~~ irrelevant information...let's continue on the eye make up topic)

☆ Ame ☆ says:
"u can have many many clothes.. many many makeup, you can change them.... but at the end of the day u cant change ur skin, u cant change ur personality"
☆ Ame ☆ says:
"so its not wrong to invest on skin, but wrong to invest on makeup"
☆ Ame ☆ says:

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