This post is NOT.....i not for those FAINTHEARTED people.
Please leave this post AT ONCE if you are those fainthearted people.
Don't say i didn't warn you.
If you can't sleep at night.......don't blame me!
Thank You
I've been having acne problems since the day i went to Uni......Before that my face was as smooth as baby skin.
Maybe because of those upside down time management, i get myself into a very UGLY situation which is a nightmare for every girl in the world.....ACNE!!!!
For years, i've spend quite an amount of 'Agong Head' on this piece of skin of mine....and for the past 5 years...the result still stay the same....
Any where i go...the doctors will always give me the same advice:
- Don't sleep late at night
- Don't eat chocolate, peanuts...etc.
- Drink lots and lots of water
- Eat more fruits, vitamin C, vege......
Trust me...I have done what ever they've told me too!!!! and the result? NOTHING!!! i EAT and APPLY at the same time. Went to facial...NOTHING!!!!!
I've tried:
- Fiber drink that make you shit at precise 8 hours (depending on your digesting system) after you drink (after finish one box, i give up. Why? cause it make my shitting time upside down. But it's good for those who having constipation la)
- Easy Pha-max that contain pure wheat grass.....(really like grass!! i born in the year of cow doesn't mean i really need to eat grass rite!!!)
- using Olive Nendoh skin care products (still using at the moment)
Finally i got fed up and give up....accept fate 认命 (reng ming).
"click the pic to en-large if you dare" yiak~ it still give me the chills seeing this pic....
Just last year, around Dec 08, my piano teacher introduce me a product call "Dr. Seagar"
This is the effect when i start trying them. Seriously.... i do recommend for those who DARE to try it.Be prepare, be very prepare for what ever outcome...Before you use, do obtain the 100% correct instruction given by expert. If you apply wrongly... it won't work......
It kinda give the effect of forcing out all the toxic inside your skin and as a result.... like the picture above. it's UGLY. Only 3 days i apply.... my face become like and swollen...not to mention itchy!
I don't dare to give it a try for a whole week, cause it is very UGLY and itchy...REALLY REALLY ITCHY!!! and it kinda have this fluid coming out of the skin....disgusting? yeah!! that's how i live for the past 3 days.
Finally on the 4th day, I give up and went to see my doctor for help. Again he give me pills and some apply on medicine.....
Since then, my face has become less red and less obvious for the acne....
After the reddish gone, my skin become dry and still very very itchy...every time i scratch it with tissue, the skin peel off like having a bad dandruff day. What i do is.....well, what else can i do but to wait patiently for my skin to heal it self.
After all the dead skin have peel off, i started to apply mask.... to gain back all the lost nutrition, moisture and water.
p/s: i'm not promoting the mask...but if you're can always ask ^.*
This is how i look at the moment!
^^ for those who having acne problem, don't give up!!!
NEVER give up, coz i've seen many people around me having those left behind scar.....causing them to become "mo peng"
I'm glad i didn't give up~ of cause my face still have scar left behind but still it's not as obvious as those "mo peng" people.
yosh gambatte~~
i've tried dr seagar before and it was soooo scary when i tried it! my face was swollen, red, itchy and peeling off~!! they said it's the skin renewing process so i thought aiyah ok la, it's not good to lose a layer of skin but if it helps, why not? but after trying it for about 2 mths maybe, a newspaper article said that the products contain toxins that might cause skin cancer! i stopped using it immediately loh!
and don't do facial when you have acnes!!! i know ppl usually recommend you to do that but it's a big no-no! cos it actually damages the skin even more...
what worked for me was that i stopped scratching or picking my face, or even touching them, unless when i wash my face. it actually helps because the pimples actually cure better by themselves when i don't push them out. i used clinique products at first and they really helped!! now i'm using another product and it's maintaining my skin good now :)
hope that helps!
I understand how you felt, I've also having the same problem since teenage years :(( Mine was 10x worst than yours, bcos mine is not bcos of allergic/poor living habits, more to genetically inherited :( All my siblings are having acne problematic skins too.
I tried various kinds of product, all failed too. Over d yrs, my skin did got better, and now only left d scar. I think using the right skincare products tat suits u are important(im using Dermalogica now). Dun simply use makeup cos our skins are sensitive, else it'll get irritated n inflammed. It's better to try mineral makeup which are more mild n less irritation :)
Else, u can oso try Eskinol with antibiotics(can buy at pharmacy). Very effective to prevent inflammation n redness/itchiness ;)
Also, doc's advice are true, drink more water n take more fruits, less oily food, it somehow helps even though we dun notice ^^
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