Ok ok.... i was wrong.....i got time for my current colleague gang......
OMG~~ @@"
In 2 working days, we went to 6 houses.....all thank to Tom planning.......@@"
One of the stop.....at Joanne house......
Even tough i don't have "bang bang tang" beside me....i still got 3 "胖胖堂" (pang pang tang) with me...
1) Ah piong ge posing.......ok la.....he is not fat..... -_-" i can't think of any words to rime with bang bang 棒棒 liao~
2) Tom....he is...chubby.....hahaha....now he is fit for the name of "pang pang tang". He even post for Heineken....
p/s: he "kei kei" post tat position for me to take his photo...even the smile is fake one!!!!!! omg~~ SO POSSY~~
p/ss: Chubbies (or "chubs") are gay men who are overweight or obese (taken from wikipedia).
3) honestly CM....u cant neither be a bang bang tang nor pang pang tang.......sigh~~ -_-" u can only fit to become the "tauke" club
now this is what i call a 黑涩会妹妹 (hei se hui mei mei) wanna be......
LOL.......T.T why i keep getting round and rounder........
Anyway........have you eat a pineappler tart before?
I bet 9.99999/10 have tried it.....BUT
have you ever try a pineappler tart without the PINEAPPLER???????
zzzzzzzzzz...........Joanne is the 1st house that ever serve me a pineapple tart without the pineapple!!!!!! no good la you~~~
isn't this picture look colourful to you? and guess what Joanne shout?
青,蓝,紫 : green, blue, purple~~~
i was like~~ wtf.....since when my colour blind become so serious? i almost wanna ask ah piong ge liao "piong ge, you wearing a green colour?"
Everyone expression was like "WAT THE FUCK!" look~~
so yeah....it's green blue and purple~~~
Second round.....underground gambling gathering.....
we gamble not 10cent, not 50cent.......but RM1 arrrrrrr
huat la~~~~
by the end of the day.......i won some la ......gg.......how much? cannot tell you all lo~~
good night people.....
huat la~~~
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