I'm having dinner at 7pm. now the clock is showing 5.13pm. So i'll just simply blog la~~ hehehe
Another boring entry.......... ABOUT ME and to those who born in August la~~ blek~~
August Baby:
Outgoing personality. (hmm...ok la)
takes risks. (hehehe, depend on what kind of risk)
feeds on attention. (nice to have ppl attention)
No self-control. (huh?)
Kind hearted Self-confident. (i'm very kind hearted one lo~ )
Loud and boisterous.
VERY revengeful. (别得罪本小姐)
Easy to get along with and talk to. (totally agree)
Has an "every thing's peachy" attitude. (what is peachy?)
Likes talking and singing. (hmm....okok la, see my mood)
Loves music. (definately)
Daydreamer. (hahaa, who doesn't day dream?)
Easily distracted. (distract me......fast!)
Hates not being trusted. (hate it when ppl don trust me)
BIG imagination. ( this one, i donno la)
Loves to be loved. (faster....LOVE me~~)
Hates studying. (who love to study? i mean exam lo~ sucks)
in need of "that someone". (everyone is in need of "that someone")
Longs for freedom. (freedom to fly high)
Rebellious when withheld or restricted. (i'm quite rebellious? lol... i wish)
Lives by "no pain no gain" caring. ( don't mess with me)
Always a suspect. ( suspect of what?)
Playful. Mysterious. "charming" or "beautiful" to everyone. (i'm beautiful, u know it! hahaha)
stubborn. (where got stubborn)
curious. (very curious!!!)
Independent Strong willed. (if the situation force to, indeed!)
A fighter.