Guess which floor i'm staying? 43rd floor, 2nd top most....the top most is Pent house.
Nice view at night~~ cant really capture the details with my hp~~ sorry la. better, you go and stay there....enjoy n relax~
So...we went to the KLCC underworld.... as you can see...the price is not cheap...but~ hmm~ ok gua~~
I'm wondering why is this creature doing here....aren't it suppose to be a "aquaria"? Well, there's lizard, spider, turtle, snake, frog, scorpion, bugs to see too~~ not just only fish~~~
DRAGON TURTLE~~ or so i think~~ lol "noob?" whatever~~~
As you went inside, you can start to see some fresh water fishes. Some .....are the one that our mom always cook~ while some are the one that u see in the discovery channel.....
Fishes swimming in the big tank~~ of all the design, i like this the most.....
I wantted to take a photo with the shark or i think it's a shark~~ but it just too shy....IT swim so fast~~ i guess IT just shy....hehehe
Forget about that little shark~~ this one is huge~ according to the worker there. the size we see is actually 30% smaller. imagine that~
I'm actually get to see the shark teeth~~ shark fin, shark tail, shark butt hole closely~~
It was a nice experience~
There's a nemo inside there ...somewhere~~ hmm~~~again, i think it is shy to take pic with me. sob sob~
Forget about nemo~~ check out this big old ugly fish~~~
hmm~~ wait~~ i thought i saw something~~ a flying carpet!!! i want one of those in my room~~ lol...stupid~~
jeng jeng jeng jeng ~~~ shark incoming!!!!!
I donno what that is ~~~
This one i know la~~ a big black deep sea creature! no? no!! just after a short performance by the worker, after the performance we get to take pic with him~ everyone get a turn to take pic with him, his kinda like a big celeb ~~ flash light everywhere. he look so sien already~ lol...
"hmm~~ what is it with u all, never see a scuba b4?"
on the exit entrance~ a deep sea worm
take one last pic before exit~~
Ok~~~ Part of visiting fish done~~ part for visiting the mall~~ continue
Went to Pavillion to have a look...the first place my sis bring me is the parkson....
Nth special about it....oh! except they got this huge changing room, highclass somemore!! the room is like~~ if u work as a promoter over there, u can catch snake in the changing room, u can sleep on the floor.
after Pavillion~~ we walk back to timesquare...there were this free performance on the street. My sis & i thought they got put a hat or a tin or something for pass by to throw a few ringgit~~ maybe cent....mana tau~~ no wor~~ they perform for free~~ i saw them enjoying themsleve~ people who are watching them also enjoy their performance. Nothing beats the sound of applause.
Well that ended my holiday trip to KL~~~ 7 days.....before leaving, better take a pic of myself in the
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