Walah~~~ my dear dear reader~~ it's been awhile since i last post my pretty face ho~~ now let me intro you~~ Mr. Ho's Fine Food dinning place. Comfortable place, the lightning is just nice, not too dark not too bright. The service~~ hmm, consider ok la~ But~ the price is not cheap o~ minimum must have RM10 in your bao bao!!!
Winnie intro me this drink Sarsaparilla (RM5.00). At first her friend teach her how to save $, by ordering this drink, she can share it by 2 person which= RM2.50 per person. So~~ what we did ...
me : "1 Sarsaparilla please"
waiter: "ok~ how about you miss?" (indicate to Winnie)
winnie: "no, thanks" (maybe the waiter pretend he didn't heard her or he is just deaf.
waiter: "any drinks for you miss" Staring at us intensely.
........end up, we terpaksa order another milo panas (RM4.50)....there goes our plan to save $.
Anyhow~~ i recommend the drink. It's not too sweet, no gas.....taste a bit like Sassi~~ i'm addicted to it.
Mirori Sour cocktail 鸡尾 (RM13.90) order by Uncle N.
Pork meat ball (RM8.00). I think it's the cheapest in the menu~~ got cheaper, i think it's salad.....not worth it lo~~ RM6++ for a plate of vege? zzzzz
But the pork meat ball also nothing special ba~~ zzzz. just look high class nia
Ham & Cheese (RM 12.90) order by me~~~ this one, enough for 2 person. Trust me~~ it is fulfilling. The taste of the bread remain me of Italianese ^^. Cause i can taste a little bit of olive vinegar.
Pork Chop & Bratwurst (RM 22.90) Again~ order by Uncle N. Don't ask me what is bratwurst~~
the big sausage is hidden behind.
Cam-whore~~ cam-whore~~~
You see~~ when you spend a hell lot of $ in that particular place, you need to fully utilize their services~
Kekekeek~~~ paksa by me to cam-whore~~~
Aiyo~~ winnie....u need to improve your skill on taking picture T.T. all my pics blur blur de~
See my skill~~~ sigh~~~
someone is enjoying his PORK~~~do you spot the big sausage?
My laptop become the big hit of the night~
Artistic angle~~
Cheersssss~~~~cocktail drink~~~in one sip....goodbye RM13.90
Don't ask me why the cocktail colour become black ~~~ -_-" magic
Finally we finish the food~~~~
huhuhuh~~~ another enjoyable Friday night with old friends~~~ ^^
Total spend = RM 73.92 for 3 person including 10% service charge~~~ sob sob
Waaaaa.. all the food looks damn nice! And you look pretty too, hehehehe..
thank you ^^. btw, wat's ur new link?
hey.. it's http://rantsofalemon.blogspot.com/
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