Due to some family business, i need to rush back with such a short notice.
Meet with some long lost cousin over my father's side~~~ All the Bong Bong gather for 3 days 2 nights.....it was tiring.
Too bad didn't get the chance to take a photo with Ivy & Ivan ^^. Never mind la....next time la ho~~~ It wouldn't be nice to show all of us wearing blue and put on blog ~~~
Anyway~~~ the foya foya began on Saturday night~~~woot~~ didn't know JoJo's 52 cent kena stole at the Kuching Fest ba~~ if i know, i won't ask KoKo to bring me liao. So dangerous, what if that thief stole your Strawberry Gardenia in the car compartment? Bahaya tu~~~

Donno i'm lucky or what? When we arrive at the Fest, direct all the stole look so "am am", we were wondering what happen to the electricity. Then KoKo's handphone keep ringing....busy man chin, he got the latest news, even from Miri kok~~ All place, electricity was down. Kuching Fest ...one word "sigh".....

I miss Melaka fried ice cream, so was wondering this stole could live up with Melaka one or not...After asking JoJo, he say "NO GOOD". But then KoKo keep saying...."Just try lo"
ngaidi~~the tauke 欺骗我的味觉 la. forgot how much it cost.
rating : the bread...not fresh, ice cream = just ice cream. NO GOOD!!!!!! at least we finish it.

This one lagi teruk!!!! Donno is because too dark, the tauke cannot see or what....underdone, no salt....RM 5
rating: TASTE LIKE tuuuuuuuuuuuu KNS~~~~~ didn't finish it~~ KoKo nge nge wanna finish it la~~ LOL

na~~ this one ok la~~ fried cheese hot dog.........RM 2.20. recommended by JoJo.
rating: Eatable. but the hot dog they use is the usual one, cheap cheap de....they should have use the one that got cheese inside~~~Don't hiam la~~~

Second round, after the disappointment of Kuching Fest. Pusing pusing....finally reach this place....nge nge got 2 guy wanna bio me la~~~ ^^ pretend to ask got light or not. LOL~~ jk~~

introducing~~ Wilson a.k.a HaPpY a.k.a my KoKo. So fair~~ see he shine upon the light~~ >.<" HOWEVER!!!!!!! muahahaha~~~ when i compare with him, this time I'm THE WINNER! Finally HaPpY become MAN jor~~~~~ macho~~~~

Sunday noon~~ KoKo bring me out for lunch~~ RM2.80, ice lemon tea. Too sweet >.<" not nice!!!

Turkey Ham & Prawn Fried Rice RM6.80.......

I was trying to find where's the ham and prawn...so sad to say, it was so small, tiny little bits....that i also donno how to show you.
rating: the rice is nice....but RM6.80 just not worth it~~~欺骗KoKo的钱

My new hair style~~~ RM20++ LOL~~~

Lamb steak stone rich with Chef Sauce, RM 15.90.
rating: rice taste like stone, too dry (with Chef Sauce konon!!!! 1/5)....lamb meat nice 4.9/5 (don't wanna give full)

If only the Chef campur the fried rice with the lamb meat.....surely 6/5 !!!!!!

This is the most enjoyable noon~~~ 放风筝

At first KoKo just bring me here to see people's kite.......

After few minutes....."我们放风筝咯"

Guess how much the kite cost? RM50++ if i'm not mistaken

This one cost RM20++
wow~~ never know kite could cost so much!!! after all, when i was a kid, i just use some satay stick and some plastic bag nia~~~ paiseh~

Donno how long we try to put the kite into the air.....when we almost give up!!! got this pro uncle "小弟弟,你的蛇还没上啊? 哈哈哈,来来" with his expertly....with no delay...the snake is up!!!
If you zoom into the pic, the uncle wearing the soldier attire. Maybe after all this year of war, his dream is to play kite, so he retire and help ppl to put kite into the air.

The uncle is so funny la~~ i over heard his conversation "小妹妹,你叫什么名?" "Mandy" "那我叫你明天啦,小妹妹,哈哈哈~~~~" the field echo with his sound of laughter.

Got one more kite, but due to time constrain.....no chance . Pretty ho~~~
i try to take all the shape and sizes of the kite but my phone too lousy~~~One of the uncle put a 100++ kite la~~ donno how to explain.

Never know fish feeding was so fun~~ ^^ RM2 gone to the fishes

kekeke~~ many 小妹妹 nyen my KoKo la~~ last time he scare of them chin~~ always say '"压力" but now he is immune liao.

Sunday night~ The Spring~~~ Sigh~~ too new, not enough shop lot to shop yet~~ not fun

Dinner place....Manhattan Fish Market~~~
Stickly for Sharing!!! not 2....but 4!!!!!!!!!!!! RM 48.90

plain water...RM0.00

Camwhole before the food is serve............
the future king of blog with his Kawaii pose~~~~LOL~~~~ JenJen hope u don't mind putting ur "belonging" in my blog ^^

Don't play play~~~JoJo keep snapping him la~~ direct become the star of the night~~

see the different between real life meal and the pic meal?

I ate a stone in the rice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called my sis and complain chin la~~ "how come it taste so different de?" "What you think, by the time KL branch transport the food to Kuching, not fresh already la!!!!!"
rating: groan~~~~~

rating: over the scale of happy!!!!! Happy 2 Day spend with my 哥哥们 including jenjen......
p/s: wanna see JenJen face, go to JoJo's blog~~ i don't dare to 乱乱来. LOL~~~~